Making your funeral wishes known
Talking about your death with the people you love isn’t easy, but even the simplest conversation about your wishes can make all the difference for them when the time comes. It is possible to record your funeral wishes to ensure these are fulfilled giving you peace of mind and helping to guide your family.
To help you we have created a simple document that asks you questions about what you would like to happen when you die. It includes points such as whether you’d like a cremation or burial, your music choices and any other special requests.
You can record as much detail as you wish or opt for ‘No Preference’ if you are undecided. The document can be updated at any time if you change your mind about any aspect of your funeral.
Please on the link below to download and complete the document. You may wish to keep the document in a safe place for your family to find when the time comes or you can provide a copy for us to save. We can then discuss your wishes with your family when arranging the funeral.
Please click on the link below:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your options further please give us a call on 01793 522797 or get in touch.